10-10 Club companies support the growth and development of the smart factory ecosystem.
For companies with questions about how to apply, please call 010-2384-5643.

10-10 Club Solution Provider (as of December 2021)
ThezoneBizOn, Korea Delcam, Doom ETS, Computer Mate
Solution Korea, Wizcore, Bizentro, Izpark,
C-Tech System, Aspen, Dongnam E&I, Node Data,
Line Tech System, ISTN, Smack, Impix, Korea Dokimek, SIES, Jin Corporation, Northstar Consulting, Aerix, Aviman Engineering, Auto Equipment, Kyunghwa Corporation, Jungwon,
Cloud Networks, Shinsung CS, Shinryong, Samyoung Machinery,
CTINC, ID System
10-10 Club Candidate Solution Provider (as of December 2021)
Burnect, Nota, Neurocle, Data Dynamics, Neurosense, Inkl, Simsuriality, Bitcon, Mobic Lab, Changjin S.C.
Companies belonging to the 10-10 Club are suppliers that have had annual sales exceeding 10 billion won for several years and have a good operating profit rate, and they are companies that have demonstrated the ability to continue to operate with the trust of companies promoting smart factory projects.
Companies in the 10-10 Club are not yet at the 10-10 Club level, but they are rapidly growing and showing the potential to develop into 10-10 Club level companies. In particular, companies with outstanding technological capabilities among startups were selected. Companies that want to check whether they are included in the 10-10 Club candidate list should contact the PASE Foundation or the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Association.